Our Mission
The mission of the CCPS Professional School Counseling Program is to empower all students to become productive and contributing members of society. In partnership with families, staff, and the community, school counselors provide a developmental program that addresses students’ academic, personal/social and career development.
Counseling Programs & Services
School Counseling Core Curriculum
Classroom lessons provide students with early interventions as well as preventative strategies so that ALL students benefit. Topics include skills for success, problem solving strategies, bullying prevention, career exploration, and core values.
Small Group Counseling
Support groups allow groups of 4-8 students to learn together in a caring and confidential setting. Groups meet for approximately 30 minutes once a week during lunch for 6 sessions. Past topics include resiliency skills, peer relations, social skills, and stress management.
Individual Counseling
Individual counseling is available to ALL students at the request of the student, parent, or staff member. Students are welcome to speak with a counselor at any time for a brief discussion to support their success at school. School counselors do not provide therapeutic services, but resources for such support can be given upon request.
School-wide Programs
AAA School Safety Patrol
CCCPS College & Career Readiness Month
Kindness Week
March Madness
Morning Meeting
Start with Hello Week
Promote Respect: A county-wide initiative that teaches students positive peer interactions, the definition of bullying, and how to report bullying to an adult.
Unity Day